Moffee in the Morning | Tuesday, 6 February 2024

06 February 2024

Triple M Coffs Harbour      

Tuesday, 6 February 2024


Michael Moffett 

We're in a brand-new sitting for federal parliament in Canberra and very regularly we're going to be having a chat to the New South Wales Senator Tim Ayres. He joins us on the line right now. Senator, thanks for your time this morning.


Senator Ayres 

Mate, it's great to be on the show and good morning to your listeners.


Michael Moffett 

Well, a brand-new year and a brand-new setting for Parliament as well and fairly big start expected


Senator Ayres 

This is going to be a very important session of parliament; the number one priority of the Albanese government is dealing with the cost-of-living issues that are facing ordinary Australians. That's why we've developed this tax plan that means a tax cut for every single income tax paying Australian. And what the plan does, it was a difficult decision to change the stage three tax cuts, but what the plan means is that every Australian gets a tax cut. And if you're earning under $150,000 a year, you get a bigger tax cut then Scott Morrison planned in the state three tax cuts. This is good for ordinary Australian families, and it's good for the economy just when we need it.


Michael Moffett 

There was some sort of criticism around breaking election promises and things like that. What do you say to that?


Senator Ayres 

Well, Albo has been very upfront about that. That's why he went to the National Press Club and made the case for it. You know, this is a this is a hard decision. But it's the right decision for the right reasons at the right time. You know, Australians, we have made progress on inflation. Inflation has moderated and it's moderated because of the government's economic plan, delivering the first budget surplus in 15 years, introducing policies, like caps on energy costs, that have moderated energy costs, our childcare plans that have delivered a 12% reduction in childcare costs. What we've done in Medicare and Bulk billing, what we've done through the Social Security system, all these have had a big impact. That's why inflation has moderated but the job is not done yet. And the next best step that we can take to support ordinary Australian families is to deliver tax cuts for ordinary Australians to make it easier to juggle all the competing demands that families have. So that's why we've made that decision. It's the right time to make the decision. The Prime Minister has been upfront about that, went to the National Press Club and told Australians what it was about, and we're very comfortable with, with the decision that we've made, because we know it offers benefits for everybody.


Michael Moffett 

Obviously, there's a lot more going on than just the tax cuts. As we start the new parliamentary setting for the year. It's a fairly big break over Christmas. What are we coming back to?


Senator Ayres 

Well, this is this is a year where the government is going to be focused, particularly on the cost of living. This is not the first thing that the government has done to deal with the cost of living, and it won't be the last we're going to keep focused on delivering a better outcome for ordinary Australians. The good thing about these tax cuts is yes, they deliver a benefit for middle Australians. But they're also good for the economy because they're going to improve workforce participation. So, they're good for workforce participation, good for the economy, good for productivity. That's the focus we're going to have in this session of parliament. We're also going to be introducing legislation to introduce the biggest improvements to parental leave. So, extending that out to six months for ordinary Australian families, that's going to mean very significant benefits in the future for people when they're having kids. That'll make a big difference to working and middle-income Australians and I'm really pleased to see the government, the government pushing that through the parliament.


Michael Moffett 

Beautiful, well mate it’s going to be busy time. And as always, we thank you for coming on and having a chat, Senator. So, all the best for the first sitting.


Senator Ayres 

Thanks, Moffett. And good morning to listeners. I look forward to talking to you soon.