12 December 2022


Motorists who travel on some of Australia’s oldest and narrowest bridges will benefit from new Australian Government-funded upgrade and replacement projects.

The Australian Government is investing over $39 million towards 18 projects under the Bridges Renewal Program.

Three bridges across Tamworth Regional Council will be upgraded to improve safety and mitigate against future floods, with the Australian Government committing more than $2.8 million in total.

Culverts (concrete slabs designed to channel water) can become banked up during heavy floods or damaged over time. 

Locals know that mitigating against flood risks in the community is critical.


  • A new two-lane bridge over Boltons Creek on New Winton Road, Westdale, will be built with $736,725 of Commonwealth funding.


  • $1,633,512 in funding will be dedicated to causeway replacements on Burgmanns Lane Crossing over Goonoo Goonoo Creek. This will make the area safer during potential floods.


  • A large multi-cell box culvert will replace the existing concrete causeway on Davidsons Lane Culvert over Moore Creek, improving flood capacity and fish passages. The Commonwealth has committed $490,000 towards the upgrade.


The funding is part of the Government’s ongoing commitment of $85 million per year to the program.

State, territory and local governments are encouraged to apply for funding from the program with applications accepted year-round.

For more information on the program, visit:


Quotes attributable to Regional Development, Local Government and Territories Minister, the Hon Kristy McBain MP:


“The Bridges Renewal Program funds the upgrade and replacement of bridges across Australia, to enhance access and improve freight through local communities.


“These projects will support local communities and holiday makers to travel in greater safety, and assist businesses to deliver and receive their products and services more efficiently.”


Quotes attributable to Senator for NSW, Tim Ayres:


“Tamworth locals know all too well the devastating impact of major flooding.


“With this funding, the Albanese Government is making significant inroads towards making our roads and bridges safe for motorists, even when natural disasters strike.”